Every year, it seems that more of the great fanfic classics lose their home. In some cases, the author had the foresight to post copies to several sites, but in some very notable cases, the story just vanishes... lost to all but those with dedication and the right skills.
Hence, this site. My intent is simply to provide complete downloads for every fic which can no longer be found (in the best form for reading) in a reasonable amount of time using reasonable tools.
If you believe you know of such a fic, please lend a hand. Also, feel free to request a copy of this site.
The Fics
Author Collections
Fics in this category do not exist in their complete and ideal form in any other reliable, readily-visible place on the web.
Akane-chan Change!
Phil Hacker
(Ranma ½)
How might Ranma ½ go if the Tendo family were part of the Shimeru clan from the Futaba-kun Change manga?

Analysis: Ranma's A-Okay?
A-kun McCrillis
(Ranma ½)

Evangelion: Redemption
Alex Voutsis
(Neon Genesis Evangelion)
I'm A Boy by Bridget E. Wilde (Ranma ½)

Kumiko, The Demon Girl
(Original Work)

Mirror, Mirror
Mike Ricketts
(Ranma ½)

Naisen by SMoonUsagi & RyogaLost (Ranma ½)
Ranma finally gets fed up with never being able to meet everyone's expectations and runs out, winding up at Dr. Tofu's clinic. While he ends up coming back, this finally provides the impetus needed for both Ranma and Akane to realize that, if they're going to have any kind of relationship (even just friends), they can't stay in the same old ruts.
Throw in a catgirl who's transferred out of eleven previous schools to escape perverted creeps and her falling for Ryoga (and, more reluctantly, him for her) and you've got quite an interesting little character-focused story. (Especially because it spends more time on characters from early in the series than usual. First time I've ever seen The Golden Pair reappear briefly as a way to nudge the plot.)
Quantum Destinies
(Ranma ½)

Youma Blues
(Sailor Moon, Self-Insert)
Fics in this category are available elsewhere, but only in a less immersive form.
The Saotome Gambit
J. Austin Wilde
(Ranma ½, Battletech)
Stories which were taken offline by their authors (eg. in preparation for a revised version that never materialized) but for which there is still demand.

FF7 Experience
(Self-Insert, Final Fantasy)

Phoenix Rising by Terryie (Sailor Moon, Ranma ½)
Fics/sites in this category are still around, but nobody is linking to their current home.

Doubt the Curve of the Earth by Starstillwonder (Harry Potter)

Ken Wolfe's Fanfics by Ken Wolfe (Sailor Moon, El Hazard, Noir, ...)

Moon Over Wands by Jared Ornstead (Sailor Moon, Harry Potter)

Suika's fanfic by Suika Roberts (Sailor Moon, Ranma ½, ...)

Tabyk's Corner by Tabitha Knight (Ranma ½)

Terminal Justice by Overkill (Harry Potter, DC Universe)
Mr. Black (no first name) decides he needs a vacation from his vacation and lets himself be talked into testing one of The Professor and Henchgirls' inventions. He finds himself in the DC universe where humor promptly ensues.

The Refuge of Hope by Deadwoodpecker (Harry Potter)
Third story in the Backwards with Purpose series (trilogy?).
Always and Always (book one) deals with Harry, Ginny and Ron going back in time, several years after the final battle, in order to change things. They go back to their first yr, with their memories intact, to save everyone they can. The Book of Albus (2nd book) tells of Harry and Ginny's son, Albus, going back in time to prevent Harry from dying at ~40 yrs old. Story includes multiple jumps back in time and intertwines with the first book.
The Refuge of Hope (3rd book- incomplete?) starts with Albus returning to the present, after making 7 trips back in time. During his final trip, he gets hit with a spell that was meant for Harry, that will eventually kill Albus. Albus, who works for the Department of Mysteries, has a girlfriend who knows that he is going to die soon. The story stops in chapter 2, after he visits with his parents (both of whom are still alive) after being away for most of a year.