The VFFA can always use your help. Here are the things I need enough that a few seconds of thought dredged them up:
- Check the Wanted section for stuff you've got that I need and consider subscribing to its updates feed.
- Tell me about vanished fics that aren't already listed here.
- Use the little pencil icons to suggest more enticing summaries for stories. After all, the whole point of this site is to keep people reading these stories.
- When reading the zipped fics, check the README file and let me know if you have copies of the files listed as missing.
- Consider running a mirror. This site is really easy and cheap to host and it's an archive so, the more copies, the better.
- Tell your friends about this site
Stuff I know I need to look into, but haven't had time to yet. If you have any of these, please contact me.
Black Destiny by BlackWindKaze (Naruto)
Rika, Resplendent by Acclivity (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Sub Plans by SnowWhiteHeart (Twilight)

The name of an ancient what? by La Soldate Chloe (Noir)

Three HP fics by BlackWindKaze (Harry Potter)
Stuff I have or know I can get but haven't yet added to the VFFA because I either lack the time or haven't yet exhausted my options for getting explicit permission.

A Mother's Love by Togashi Gaijin (Sailor Moon, Ranma ½)
Feral Blood by BloodOfYourLips (Twilight)

Furies by ayongedarling (Sailor Moon)

Miko by Togashi Gaijin (Ranma ½)

Pat's Page of Anime by Pat Olsen (Ranma ½, Saber Marionette J)

Relatively Absent by Togashi Gaijin (Sailor Moon, Ranma ½)
The battle against Prince Herb didn't go well and now Ranma is dying exhausted and buried under the remains of Mount Horai. In a happy coincidince, the Gates of Time are in need of a new guardian and Ranma's the only eligible person in the solar system. Unfortunately, the Gates can't give him time to decide. They can only give him the power needed to heal himself if he accepts.
...but, hey, it's an important job and the promise of eventually learning to unlock the curse again is better than being stuck forever. Having your cousins and estranged maternal grandmother finally track you down and accept you unconditionally also tends to help take your mind off things.
One of only two decently-written fukufics I've ever seen where Ranma willingly takes the role.

Ten of Two by Togashi Gaijin (Sailor Moon, Ranma ½)

The Cult of Potter by 1411eastwest (Harry Potter)